21 - 29 September 2017
Dussehra Navaratri

List of Alankarams
21st - Sri Hema Durga
22nd - Sri Balatripura Sundari
23rd - Sri Gayatri
24th - Sri Annapoorna
25th - Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari
26th - Sri Mahalakshmi
27th - Sri Saraswati
28th - Sri Durga
29th - Sri Mahishasura Mardhini

September 21 - September 29, 2017

Sharada Navarathri (Dusshera)

Maha Kumbhabhishekam Sharada Navarathri is performed for nine days in which God is worshiped in the form of Mother. During this period, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati are worshipped as three different manifestations of Shakti or Cosmic energy, every day Chathushasti (64) Upachara pooja is performed with the respective homas, Sapthasathi paarayanam is conducted towards the end of the navarathri pooja and concluded with Anna Daanam.

Significance of performing Sharada Navarathri Pooja?
Every day there are two time periods that are ideal for upasana (spiritual practice), first being Bramhi Kaalam (early morning between 4 - 5 Am, just before sunrise) and second is Pradosha Kaalam (evening 5 - 6 Pm, just before sunset). During these time periods the mind can be put under control easily, during other times of the day, we are under the control of our minds :-). The significance of performing Sharada Navaratri pooja is that during these nine days unlike the other days in the year, the mind can be easily put under control through out the day. How is this possible ? If you consider one month in a year as an hour of a day then the month when Dusshera is performed would fall under Bramhi Kaalam of that day. By performing the pooja during those days, Goddess Sharada will help us control our mind and in turn control our Ego & Pride.

May 20 - May 23, 2015

Temples 6th Anniversary

Valli and Devasena Vigraha Prathistha

Valli and Devasena As part of Hemadurga temples 6th anniversary (shashtama vaarshikotshvam) we are performing various poojas and havanams like Ganapathi Upanishad Havanamu, Lakshmi Ganapathi Havanamu, Rudra and Chandi Havanamu.

This year we are perfoming the prathista of Valli and Devasena near Subrhamnya swami.

Listed below are the details of the program
Day 1 - Wednesday, 20 May 2015
7:00 Am on words
Shri Vighneshawara Pooja
Swasthi Vachanamau
Punyha Vachanamu
Panchagavya Prasana
Deeksha Dharana
Goo Maata Puja
Akhanda Deepa Sthapana
Agni Prathista
Lakshmi Ganapathi Havanamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
6:00 Pm on words
Mandala Upacharamulu
Jaladhi Panchaamrutha vaasam
Shayya Adhivasamu
Nidra Kalasha Sthapana
Shri Vishnu Sahasranaama Archana
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 2 - Thusday, 21 May 2015
7:00 Am on words
Mantapa Devatha Pooja
Ganapathi Upanishad Havanamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
6:00 Pm on words
Shri BalaTripuraSundari Trishathi naama Kunkuma Archana
Dhanyadhi Vaasamu
Shayyadhi Vaasamu
Pushpaadhi Vaasamu
Adhivaasanga Homamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 3 - Friday, 22 May 2015
7:00 Am on words
Lakshmi Ganapathi Moola Mantra Havanamu
Valli and Devasena Vigraha Prathista
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
6:00 Pm on words
Shri Lalitha Sahasranaama Kunkuma Archana
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 4 - Saturday, 23 May 2015
7:00 Am on words
Shri Chandi Havanamu
Rudra Havanamu
Saarva Devatha Moola Manthra Havanamulu
Maha Poorna Aaahuthi
Deeksha Vimochanam
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
1:00 Pm on words
Anna Prasadam/Santarpana

February 13,2014

Shri Dattareya, SaiBaba Vigraha Prathista - Shikara Prathista & Maha Kumbhabhishekam

Dattareya       Sai Baba

Maha Kumbhabhishekam

Maha Kumbhabhishekam Kumbhabhishekam is a milestone in the lifetime of any Hindu Temple, it is believed to homogenize, synergize and enhances the mystic powers of the deity.

Kumbha means the Head and denotes the Shikhara or Crown of the Temple (usually in the Gopuram) and Abhishekam is ritual bathing, (hence the term Kumbha + Abhishekam). This important activity has been prescribed by the Agama Sastras to be conducted every tweleve years. Observance of and participation in a Kumbhabhishekam have been equated with visiting and worshiping at a Temple for several hundred years.

Maha Kumbhabhishekam The energies of the installed Dieties are temporarily transferred to the main Kalashas in an elaborate ritual. Pujas and Homas are performed to sanctify the holy water in the Kalashas representing the invocation of the energy and the renewal of the energy contained within.

Divine Power is transferred back to the deities by performing an abhishekam (salutary bathing) to the Vigrahas and Vimanas (pinnacles) on the roof with the sanctified holy waters from the kalasas accompanied by Vedic chanting and special rites. On that day at the designated auspicious time, when the Kumbha is bathed with the charged and sanctified holy waters contained in the sacrificial pots, consecrated and sanctified pranic powers trickle down a silver wire and enter the Deity installed inside the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple.

After the consecration of the Vimanas on top of the Temple, worship is then specifically performed inside the Sanctum Sanctorum in which further pranic powers are transferred to the Deities

This grand ceremony is being performed for the first time in this temple since the inception, this completes the tranformation of temple giving its dieties full power to protect dharma.

Listed below are the details of the program. Telugu broucher can be downloaded here
Day 1 - Monday, 10 February 2014
4:30 Pm on words
Shri Vighneshawara Pooja
Swasthi Vachanamau
Punyha Vachanamu
Panchagavya Prasana
Deeksha Dharana
Goo Maata Puja
Akhanda Deepa Sthapana
Udaka Shanti
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 2 - Tuesday, 11 February 2014
7:00 Am –on words
Veda Parayanam
Lakshmi Ganapathi Anustanam
Sarva Devatha Moola Mantra Anusthanamu
Yogini, Vassthu, Kshetra palaka, Navagraha, Sarvathabhadra Mandala Pooja
Sarva Devatha Avvahanam
Archana Upacharamulu
Agni Prathista
Samuhika Lakshmi Ganapathi Havanamu
Chatushasta Upachara Pooja
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
4:00 Pm on words
Mandala Upacharamulu
Stapitha Devatha Homamu
Jaladhi Panchamaamrutha vaasam
Mangala Haarathi
Mantra Pushpam
Shayya Adhivasamu
Nidra Kalasha Sthapana
Adhivassanga Hoomamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 3 - Wednesday, 12 February 2014
7:00 Am on words
Veda Parayanam
Chatushasti Upachara Pooja
Chandi Sapthasathi Parayanam
Sri Maha Vidya Parayanam
Sri Guru Charithra Parayanam
Sthapitha Devatha Pooja
Lalitha Kumkumarachana
Adhivasanga Homamu
Sri Chandi Sapthasathi Homamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
4:00 Pm on words
Shri Rudra Havanamu
Shri Maha Vidya Havanamu
Dhanyadhi Vaasamu
Shayyadhi Vaasamu
Pushpaadhi Vaasamu
Adhivaasanga Homamu
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
Day 4 - Thusday, 13 February 2014
6:00 Am on words
Veda Parayanam
Mandapa Pooja
Moola Mantra Homamulu
Shri Guru Dattha Homamu
Sri Gurupooja Mahostavam
Kalanyasa Hoamamu
Gartha Nyasamau
From 11: 11 Am on words

Pujya Guruji to perform:
  - Shri Dattatrey Prathista
  - Shri SaiBaba Prathista
  - Shikara Prathista
  - KumbhAbhishekam
Yanntra Prathista
Shri Dattatrey & Sai Baba Vigraha Prathista
Shikara Prathista & Maha Kumbhabhishekam
Netra Unmelanamu
Devatha Darshnam
Maha PoornaAhuthi
Pravachanam by Pujya Guruji
Shri Shri Shri Madhavananda Saraswathi garu
Ashirwarchanam by pujya Guruji
Panditha Satkaram
Deeksha Vimochanam
Harathi, Mantra Pushpam, Theertha Prasad Vitarana
1:00 Pm on words
Anna Prasadam/Santarpana

June 13 - 15, 2012

Sahasra Linga, Gayathri, Uchista Ganapathi & Subrahmanya Swami Prathista.

For the third anniversary between June 13 - 15, we are performing the prathista of Sahasra Linga, Goddess Gayathri , Uchista Ganapathi & Subrahmanya swami.

Sahasra Lingam Gayathri Devi Ucchista Ganapathi Subrahmanu

Gayathri Gayathri Devi symbolises the "shakti" (strength) and "dev" (quality) of Knowledge, Purity and Virtue. Gayatri Devi is believed to have given the four Vedas to mankind. Gayatri is depicted seated on a lotus. She is depicted with five faces representing the pancha pranas /pancha vayus(five lives/winds): prana, apana,vyana, udana, samana, of the five principles/ elements (pancha tatwas) earth, water, air, fire, sky (prithvi, jala, vayu, teja, aakasha). She has 10 hands carrying the five ayudhas: shankha; chakra, kamala, varada, abhaya, kasha, ankusha, ujjwala utensil, rudrakshi mala.
Gayatri mantra In Sanskrit, there are definite rules that regulate poetry: rhyme and meter are not written whimsically. The Gayatri Mantra has a Vedic metre of 24 syllables. Amongst the regulated poetry, the Gayatri mantra, chanted by properly qualified persons, is the most prominent. The Gayatri mantra is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Great sins are said to be expiated by a pious recitation of this Gayatri verse which reads as follows:
Om bhoor bhuvah svaha,
Tat Savitur varenyam,
Bhargo devasya dheemahi,
Dheeyo yonah prachodayat.
Gayatri mantra is meant for realization of God and is regarded as representing the Supreme Lord. It is meant for spiritually advanced people. Success in chanting it enables one to enter the transcendental position of the Lord. But, in order to chant the Gayatri mantra, it is necessary for one to first acquire the qualities of the perfectly balanced person in terms of the qualities of goodness according to the laws of material nature.

Ucchista Ganapathi Ucchista Ganapathi is a very rare form of Ganesha and is also included in the 32 forms of Ganapathy. This form of Ganesh is worshipped for protection and also for getting control over the five senses. Ucchishta Ganapati Mantra is

Neelabja dadaimee veena shali gujaksha sutrakam
Dadahduchishta namamya ganeshah paadu mechakah!

Ucchishta Ganapati depicted in deep blue color. He has six hands and holds a pomegranate fruit, veena, flower, paddy, Rudraksha mala and noose. A Goddess sits on his left lap. The popular belief is that propitiating this form Ganesha will help in control of the five senses and which in return will help in attaining peace and prosperity.

Updqate on other deities to follow soon....

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